Feel like what you need and what you receive are at odds?

Learn how to identify your patterns of expectation and meet your needs. No more guessing, frustration or taking on jobs you didn’t ask for.

Collaborative Coaching & Skills Building

I provide private coaching sessions that are designed to be flexible and approachable for individuals, couples, and duos of all kinds (good friends, family members, coworkers and anyone you spend time with). We’ll focus where you want, when you want.
Book as needed. Pay as you go. No contracts.

Instant Replay: Recorded video + transcription using Otter AI
Soundboard Hotline: Text/email support for a week after your session to help you integrate
Office Hours: Ask me anything in this group call held once a month

What we can do together

  • See what got you here, and how to get somewhere new. Investigate your inherited beliefs and expectations to decide what still works for you and what is ready to be reworked.

  • Access your relationship to self and open a portal to your intuition. Inspire your internal curiosity about the parts of you that feel “just the way you are.” Are they? Sweep away what’s not actually set in stone and get in touch with your deepest knowing, needs and desires.

  • Feel less needy, and actually meet your own needs by learning the powerful wisdom of invisible job descriptions. Understand the differences and nuances between a need, boundary and preference that give our expectations the shape they have, and how you can use them for good.

  • Supercharge your neurodivergent superpowers. Create new processes and find tools that are more supportive and intuitive for how your brain and nervous system naturally operate.

  • Rewire new conscious thought patterns and ways of being. See the cycle of expectation, disappointment and resentment in order to make new choices, patterns, beliefs and behaviors.

  • Reset your relationships. Alleviate moments of tension between you and those you care about with tools to make your needs and expectations more explicit.

  • Pause playing the shame and blame game. Reduce shame, build resilience and increase compassion for the moments when your needs cannot be met externally.

  • Mix and match the healing track that works best for you. Get customized recommendations for types of healing modalities that can integrate with and enhance your coaching experience and personal trajectory.

Tools for your toolbox

Cultivating these traits will support you in our work together and beyond. You don’t have to come in with all of these boxes checked, but they’re an ideal starting point to have in mind and areas we can work on.

  • Self work and relationship work is not for the faint of heart — but anyone with the desire can do it. If you’re willing, we can get somewhere.

  • If you want different outcomes, you’ll have to try some new ways of interacting with the world. Let’s get creative and build systems that work for you.

  • Healing can be both hard and humorous. Laughs can be a reward for our nervous systems and allow us to access change with a sense of longevity. We’ll go deep into dynamics and dad jokes.

  • Working with me requires you have a lot of trust in my capabilities. That doesn’t mean blind trust, and we’ll build up to more difficult subject matter. It does mean you’re coming into working together willing to be open to the possibility that we can learn from each other. If that’s hard, that’s totally okay, and also let’s talk about that.

  • I cannot tell you what to do or what decision to make. Our time together prioritizes you becoming more clear about your needs so you can make decisions with greater ease, confidence and safety.

  • You have the capacity, even if you don’t yet have the skillset, to show up for yourself and the people you’re in relationships with. There is a desire to reach for openness rather than defensiveness, and to learn how we can reach for that faster and more often.

  • You don’t have to hold these new perspectives alone, but you do have to genuinely want to see something shift, and you acknowledge that you may not have a clear expectation of what that will look like but you’re willing to try.

  • I do not believe you are broken. I do believe you’ve been through some tough stuff and you’ve very wisely found strategies to help you survive and get your needs met. Chances are you’re in a different set of situations now using some of those same older strategies and they aren’t working very well. Together we’ll uncover what’s still working for you, what’s ready for retirement, and what we’ll need to recruit for more balance.

  • If you have one (or more!) partners, maybe the love is a bit hard to access right now due to some crossed wires of understanding, but it’s there. I’m not here to save your relationships. I’m here to enhance what you already have. I’m not going to choose sides, or tell you to stay together. I’m not going to say who is “right or wrong,” because this process is not about rightness; it’s about understanding.

Speak to and uncover unseen dynamics with yourself and the people you care about.

Coaching and skills building is ideal for you if you want a clearer look at the patterns and behaviors that are driving your everyday actions and conversations.

It’s even more ideal if you feel like you’re saying so much, and still left feeling unheard, if you find yourself sitting in disappointment a lot of the time, and especially if you feel like the answers should be common sense but you’re not getting the outcomes you’re looking for.

“This is the support I didn’t know I needed and didn’t know I could get.

Now I can’t imagine my life without this wisdom. It’s been a game changer for my personal and professional relationships.”


Healing is not one-size-fits-all.

That’s why it’s good to talk about what support you’re looking for, especially to answer any questions you have in advance. Let’s chat about what’s coming up for you and how our work together might align in a short, no pressure, no obligation clarity call.