Information seekers, rejoice!

Finding answers, seeking understanding and getting to know the process of working together from the get-go.


  • Current session pricing is:
    $145 for 50 min sessions [Click here to book]
    $230 for 80 min sessions [Click here to book]

    These rates have been carefully considered based on these key factors:

    1. What I have and continue to invest in my own learning, training, and growth.
    2. The belief in the value of what I offer (which is an ongoing journey on the scary self worth slide).
    3. The reality of my financial needs as a single income household and a support team of my own to be able to show up and do this work with y’all regularly.

    I am happy to create an invoice for you if your employer covers my services.

    At this time, the institution of insurance does not honor this work by offering coverage.

  • I am carefully and thoughtfully working on a more official offering to redistribute wealth and access to healing. In the meantime, please send me a note to start the conversation — which I know can feel hard, scary, overwhelming and any number of other feels. I’ve been there. Asking for what you need is a powerful part of the healing experience.

    Please trust that I want to work with you and will do my best to make that happen when and how I can. You are just as deserving as anyone else. Your needs and feelings get to take up space too. I am rooting for you!

    [Click here to email me]

  • Working with me will be a combo of coaching (insightful questions to help you discover more around your superpowers and their patterns in a supportive space) and skills building (information, tools, tips, and considerations for you to experiment with). The combination of these two powerful perspective shifters are what works the most effectively for me in my own journey healing and recalibrating, and they feel like the most natural extensions of me and my work to offer others.

    Moments of laughter along the way are a common occurrence. From a body perspective, laughter helps reset the vagus nerve, which is like the air traffic control for our nervous system. In that way, laughter really is medicine. Plus, it just feels good!

    [Click here to learn more about my approach]

  • I invite you to:

    Trust in yourself when you can (if that feels scary or far away I can relate and I’m glad you’re looking for options to support you).

    Trust in me (I’ll work to earn that trust). Trust in the process. Trust that you are exactly where you need to be (even if you wish it wasn’t true). Trust that you are worthy of this investment in yourself. Reach for as much trust as you can while still staying connected to yourself.

    Connect with curiosity. Be open to exploring hunches instead of landing on conclusions. Be open to getting to know your incoming selves and experiment with new ways of communicating with them. This can help make communicating with others feel more natural over time.

    Show up and bring your whole self. Show up in a grumpy mood or an ecstatic mood. Show up nervous to share. Show up courageous to share. Show up feeling prepared or unprepared. Show up when you don’t think this effort is helpful so we can talk about it and find resolution.

  • For now, these are the best ways to gift a session to someone else:

    1. You send me an email with how much you want to gift, I’ll send you a link to pay, and we can decide who sends the recipient an email based on the vision you have.

    2. You send the money electronically to the gift recipient with a link to my site to book.

    3. For last minute gifters: You can send your gift recipient an email with my information and how many sessions they’ll be able to use. You and I can work out the admin behind the scenes.

    I wish I was able to offer a more seamless experience here. (The truth is, I’m having an extended Goldilocks moment with platforms across a range of features and user experiences for both of our needs.)

    [Click here to email me]

  • Collaborating together can be a deeply transformative experience and the desire to say thank you with an intentional gesture can be a powerful urge for some. (“I’m not gifting, you’re gifting!”)

    If you are looking for ideas to express your gratitude for my contribution, here are a few options you may find useful (and also bring me great joy!)

    1. Tell other people about my work. Word of mouth is the most trusted form of marketing there is, and it really does matter.

    2. Share the insights, wisdom, shifts with others in the ways that feel most natural to you. My door will always be open to hear about these moments, if you choose to share. Examples of this could be you making new choices and celebrating new outcomes, or passing on words of wisdom to someone in need.

    3. I’m always happy to receive a cash gift through my [venmo link] or [paypal link] or use my phone number for Zelle transfers. All amounts are welcome and I will not create a story about my worth or your “level of gratitude” based on the number.

    4. A gift card to Knot Springs here in Portland will always be appreciated and used.

    5. You may have skills or other resources that you’d like to offer. I invite you to send me an email with what you’re thinking and we can discuss.

    Thank you for considering!

Still have a question? Send it my way!

You may have questions that aren’t answered above. As a naturally curious person, I can relate. Feel free to reach out and let me know what’s on your mind, and let me know if there’s anything I can speak to before working together or connecting further.