Healing from the nervous system to the solar system.

Wisdom is medicine. Laughter is medicine. Love is medicine. Energy is medicine. I’ve put together a curated list of healers who may have the medicine you’re looking for so you can be the dope self you were meant to be. You know, before you got conditioned to be something else by your upbringing and the toxic parts of our culture.

Resources to get you resourced

These magical people and modalities changed my life. If you’re inspired, they’re here for you to explore for your own healing, with no strings attached. This is a living, breathing resource well with more healers added over time. Check back or reach out if you have questions.
(Pro tip: resist the urge to judge a healer by their website and branding. They have other gifts.)


Human Design

Human Design is the blueprint of your energetic body. It’s a powerful tool to understand how you are uniquely built to generate & use your energy and how your conditioning has tricked you into thinking your superpowers are weaknesses in need of fixing. I immediately had more trust, compassion and excitement about who I am and let go of forcing myself to conform.

Supports: Self-awareness & discovery, self-compassion, trust and respect.


Soul Retrieval

Soul Retrieval is magical because it’s a fairly passive way to receive healing compared to most modalities. When you experience trauma (big T, little t), a piece of your soul can leave so you can survive the moment. Those holes in our soul get filled with compulsive behaviors and distractions like food, IG, sex, work, etc. When these parts come home to us, we can be more aligned with the truest parts ourselves.s.

Supports: Healing past traumas, clearing old energy, reclaiming a sense of self.


Intuitive Channeling

Intuitive Channeling is here to help you receive information from your invisible spirit posse. These sessions are intended to give you wisdom and guidance from your guides and your badass highest self. Working with an intuitive channeler can also reveal insights into why certain patterns are hard to break.

Supports: Short term guidance for specific life areas, closure with the dead, healing the parts of you that you may not be able to see/know yet.


Akashic Records

The Akashic Records is like spiritual Google, recording everything from all of time across all the universes (yes, mind = blown). Everything has its own record. Your soul, your house, your pet, your relationships. Getting insights into your records can reveal powerful information to help heal.

Supports: Past life healing, understanding your purpose and contracts with others in this lifetime, healing the parts of you that you may not be able to see/know yet.


Sound Healing

The art and science of Sound Healing uses the power of vocal and/or instrumental vibrations to access pesky patterns and energies that are not serving you. Yes, music is definitely healing! This modality uses special instruments to call in certain frequencies that align with the energetics of the universe and your soul.

Supports: Healing the parts of you that you may not be able to see/know yet.